Current Contract

What is the contract or collective bargaining agreement (CBA)?

The current contract, or collective bargaining agreement (CBA), represents the agreement by Staff United and the University of Vermont in respect to wages and benefits, hours of employment, terms and conditions of employment and all other matters relating to the employer-employee relationship. This contract covers the June 2021- June 2024 time period. Click below to download the full contract or click to view the full contract in a web browser.

Article of Recognition

The Board of Trustees of the University of Vermont recognizes UVM Staff United, AFT Vermont, AFT, AFUCIO as the exclusive bargaining representative for all full-time and regular part-time employees (9, 10, 11 or 12 month employees) in the P Family (Professional) C Family (Administrative Support or Clerical), T Family (Technical) and Sp Family (Specialized) in the University of Vermont classification system for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, hours of employment and other conditions of employment. Excluded from the bargaining unit are all supervisors, managers and confidential employees, temporary employees, and work-study employees. The classifications included in the bargaining unit at the time of ratification of this agreement are those classifications listed in Appendix A.

Questions or want a printed copy of the contract?

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