Union Advocates

What is a Union Advocate? 

Union advocates are the first point of contact with the union for many of our colleagues. They’re volunteers from across campus who are willing to help with ongoing organizing efforts and with frontline contract enforcement. Union advocates can help their colleagues assess problems and communicate issues to their area steward and/or the lead steward. They can also serve as a representative for their colleagues in the event of an unexpected disciplinary meeting.

Union advocates are a key part of continuing to build our union’s strength on campus. Having a deep and rich network of union advocates helps us embed in the fabric of every department, making it clear that UVM staff are united and that we are dedicated to making this the best place possible. Are you interested in becoming a Union Advocate or otherwise getting more involved with our Union? Please fill out this form to enroll as a Union Advocate, or this form to express your interest so we can get back to you and share more information about the role.

We organize our Area Stewards and Union Advocates by clusters of departments. To learn more about these clusters see our Area Stewards page or Appendix B of our Constitution.

Our Union Advocates


Jacob Beauregard, Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) Administration

Lauren Traister, Extension: Statewide 4-H

Rachel Leslie, CALS Dean's Office

Sarah Goodrich, Plant Biology

Scott Lewins, Extension: Programming & Faculty Support

Sean Fogarty, Extension: Programming & Faculty Support

Stephanie Albaugh, Extension: Programming & Faculty Support






Aaron Masi, Student Accessibility Services

Avery Muzikar, Residential Life

Erica Victoria, Vice Provost for Student Affairs Dean of Students Office

Jacob Rodan, Residential Life

Teremy Garen, Center for Academic Success

Zoe Coelho, Residential Life


Maria Avery, Library, Dean’s Office

Rich Downing, ETS Enterprise Application Services

Jane Hendley, Howe Library, Collection Management Services

Robin Grant, ETS Client Services

Ryder Owens, ETS Client Services

Silas Mueller, ETS Client Services

Zhanna Gordon, Howe Library, Collection Management Services

ITS/Physical Plant

Joanne (Jodi) Barrows, Physical Plant

Karen Lemire, Environmental Health & Safety


Cara Simone, Office of Medical Education

Laurie McLean, Office of Primary Care

Lauren Eicher, Psychiatry

Francesca Werenko, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

Other Admin Departments

Cailey Biles, Research Development

Caylin McCamp, Office of Sustainability


Emily Hayes, Grossman School of Business